Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Getting Here

If you have not already heard, Baby #2 is on the way.

We have told Logan the news, and though he really doesn't understand, he will go up to my belly and kiss it, and say baby. Then he will just walk away.( I was sticking out my belly, pushing his finger away, on the picture above. I had set up the self timer to try and kiss him with the doors in the background, but this is what we got. Even better!)

Now that I have happily entered the 4th month of my pregnancy, I can feel a bit of relief. Getting us here to this point has been a blessing. We had a miscarriage in June, and since then I felt that it was time to try for baby #2. With a visit to the doctor, we started with just some pills. He said it should work, it didn't. Then we tried injections, went back, had a positive test, but was flying to America the next day. Got to America, the pregnancy did not stick. This happened a couple of times. The hardest part was seeing all those positive pregnancy tests, only for the pregnancy not to stick. I decided to take a break, and we would try again with the help of fertility in Feb. Well we did not need that, since it happened on its own. I called Mike while he was away in Virgina for work. I told him not to get too excited until I went to the doctor a couple of days later. Things looked good, but the doctor wanted to see me every week, which was fine with me. Once I hit 10 weeks I see the dr just about every two weeks. It is nice that I have been able to see so much of this little one, and the peace it brings each time I see that fluttering little heart! So far this pregnancy has been easier than Logan's. No trips to the hospital yet.

I feel extremely lucky to have such a wonderful German doctor who has a great bedside manner, and a great sense of humor. Things in regard to pregnancy care are pretty similar to the way it was in England, so nothing new there. I am a bit frightened to have to deliver in a hospital where I don't know the language. it has really made me think about taking a couple of classes soon, to be able to understand what is going on!

Baby #2 is Due to arrive Oct 6, 2012!


Amanda said...

Congrats on baby #2! What fun adventures you are having!


you are a brave woman my friend! Congratulations!

The Ortega Family said...

So exciting for you guys! It will be so fun with two! Congrats!

Brooke said...

This picture is so priceless! Congratulations and am loving reading about your adventures!

123 checkoutourfamily said...

Congrats! I'm so excited for ya'll. I haven't been as diligent about posting or looking at blogs. How did I get so far behind? oh! (and maybe pinterest too....hahaha)