Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Holland 2012: Kuekenhof and Zaanse Schans

We had a wonderful time up in Holland. We risked going up there, with the weather promising us just one day of sunshine, with another day of cloudy/rain chance. Our 5 hour drive became more like close to 7. Once we entered Holland we were stuck in horrid traffic. After an hour of standing still, barely going over 10 mph, things started to move. We headed straight to the keukenhoff gardens, and yes we still had sunshine. (sigh) Can I just say how wonderful it was! The flowers were so fragrant, and well my pregnancy nose made it even better I think! There were a plethora of flowers, in all shades, and sizes. I was instantly in love with this place. 
 Logan, kindly posing for me in front of the entrance!
 Of course we had to get him standing in those cloggs! After 3 takes, he had his eyes closed in all. Oh well.

 Bubbles. Boy did he love chasing those bubbles, not caring where they went. I lost count on how many times I told him to get off the grass. (signs were posted everywhere, saying Do Not Walk On Grass).

 See here, on grass smelling flowers. This boy always wants to smell flowers!

 Taking a little break from chasing him around!
 I love windmills!

 Yumm! I opted for a Holland waffle called stroopwafels, very thin, sliced in half, slathered with syrup in between. They sell them in packages, and oh so yummy, but warm is the best. I think I might just have to ask a friend who is heading up there later to bring me some! Have you ever had one?

Can you spot Logan and his daddy on top waving at me?


(fields and fields of flowers along side the road, while heading to the gardens and to our hotel)

 We saw flowers till our hearts content. It got a bit cold, once the sun left us, so we decided to head to our hotel. It had a very nice children's area, and bounce house inside. Then we had dinner on the coast at McDonald's. I know how fancy, but with hungry kids we needed to go somewhere quick! We took a quick glance at the sea and beach, then headed straight to the car to warm up. The wind was out of control, making it feel way colder than it really was. After a good nights rest we headed to the lovely village of Zaanse Schans. Yup. Once again, I was in love with the charm, and beauty of this place. It was quintessential Holland/Netherlands to me. Just what I would expect to see!
 Our first stop in this village was to see them make the wooden clog shoes! It is amazing how quickly they get it done. Did you know they use a method very similar to that of copying a key?

 Here is the guy in action. It took him approx. 5 minutes to make a copy of that shoe. Then he finished it off by hand. Amazing experience.

 My hubby being a dear, and humoring me for a photo. Love his fake smile. He was cold.
 We had a chance to see them make cheese and sample so my different flavors, and kinds. Yum. We bought some and brought it home with us.

 Momma and Logan getting a picture in, while the sun was shining. We had so much fun, but it was a bit cold. Where did all our warm days go?

 Logan and daddy taking a picture.
Mike having some fun on that log, I guess doing a Karate Kid move. Just before we left we had lunch at Restaurant De Kraai in the village. Yum! We had pannekoeken, or a Dutch pancake, one pancake is all I needed. I opted for the chocolate and whip cream, while the hubby went for savory getting a bacon and cheese one. They were like a pancake, like a crepe, a happy in between.

On the way home we drove through Amsterdam. Thinking back, both Mike and I thought maybe one more night would have been just right. We wanted to see the Anne Frank house but due to construction we were not able to. Didn't really want to get down from the car, since Logan was asleep, but the city looked nice, and quite charming with all the bridges, and boat houses, and bikes.

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