Thursday, June 30, 2011

Rothenburg ob de Tauber

It has been a while since I have done any updating. We have been very busy with unpacking boxes and settling into our new home. I will do an update with pictures of the house soon. There are still things we need to get, and some of it will take a while, like my new dining table, which is far down the list right now, as we do not NEED one.  

We are really enjoying ourselves and are trying to take advantage of the summer and great weather to visit places. A while back we went to the town of Rothenburg ob de Tauber. The weather was perfect. The town is surrounded by a wall build in the Middle Ages, and there are many gates throught the city. It is one of the stops on Germany's Romatic Road. One of my goals while we are here, is to go to every town listed on the Romantic Road.

 Mike and Logan sitting on the wall with the town behind them. Logan had a load of fun running around and flirting with a group a Japanese ladies. They were loving his dimples, and giving him sweets.
Many bakeries sell these round balls, called Schneeballen. They are coated with surgar, powdered sugarn, chocolate, cinnamon surgar. I was told they are only sold in this city, and have been around for 222 years. So far, it has been the only place I have seen them. So NATURALLY I had to buy some and see what the fuss was all about. They remind me of a funnel cake, except in the form of a ball, and dipped in choclate. Very fragil, but delicious.
Logan and Mike hung around the city while I went and did a little shopping and went into their well-known Christmas store. Wow! The store was GRAND. It could take a person 2 days, to see everything in there. Things are pricey, it seems, since the euro is stronger than the dollar. I want will be going back before Christmas rolls around. I hear they have a great Christmas Market as well, although, I hear that about many towns around here. I guess I will have to wait and see.

We had so much fun, and just had a wonderful Saturday. So far my second favorite town after Heidelburg. I know I will come here often, it is a place I plan on showing guests that come and visit.

1 comment:

Katrina and Tonio Uriarte said...

I love Rothenburg! Did you make it to the Christmas Store? They have giant Nutcrackers outside the door. The linens are so beautiful! It is one of my favorite places in Germany too.