Thursday, September 30, 2010

Apples, Babbles, and Babies

A couple of weekends ago we went to Front Royal with the lovely Simmons family! Fallish weather and tons of apples made for a great fun day. It was Logan's 5 month birthday. We had such a wonderful time finding apples. The greatest part of it all was knowing that the apples I was picking would be made into baby food. It didn't take long for us to pack up and get going. There is a window of time to do it, then the babes started to get fussy.

The greatest part of going to Front Royal is the time spent with great friends. Just knowing that there is no schedule makes for a wonderful weekend. Late night playing games, great food, and just great chatter. We always seem to know we are here, as peoples personalities relax. (Sometime a little too much, MIKE.) LOL.

Our friends have a little girl that is only 2 weeks older than Lo. He loves watching her, and would spend minutes just looking at what she was doing. The best part was seeing how alike, but how different they are. Even if they are only 2 weeks old. Overall Lo did great being away from home, and the car ride was a breeze. He only started to fuss as we got close to home.

I only wish there was an Apple house close by so that i could make a quick run for some apple donuts. Yummy.

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