Tuesday, September 28, 2010

3 hours

That is right 3 maybe 4 hours is what I got of sleep last night.

Lo (Logan) is stuffed up and whenever he would cough or was having to breathing loudly I was at his crib side. Needless to say after 3 am I figured I would just suck it up and have him sleep in bed with us. Not the best idea since he kept waking me up. At around 4 Mike went to sleep on the couch. He was coming back in at 6 am to probably sleep in just a little bit longer, but I handed him Lo. I was like, "I have hardly slept can you just watch him." I end up waking at 730am and the house was quiet. I get up to move to the sofa to see if Logan was asleep, since Mike is usually gone to work by now. Nope, he was running late.

I am so grateful for the extra hours of sleep he allowed me to sleep so that I could at least function today! I have not left the house, or called anyone. I feel like a zombie.

Today is also my Mothers birthday!

Happy birthday MOM! We are excited to see you soon!
"Happy Birthday Abuelita", Love Lo!

1 comment:

123 checkoutourfamily said...

oh those days of low sleep. they're such killers. I'm definitely convinced that daddys were not made for that stuff. They can handle it here and there but Matt would sleep right through a crying baby if he was sleep deprived for very long.