Saturday, January 4, 2014

My Boys

The Boys:


This guys is 15 month now and he is just growing so fast! He is an eater. Loves berries, all kinds, if he could eat them for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack time he would! He is a follower, whatever big bro is doing, he wants to do. Love Mickey Mouse, and Jake :  Neverland Pirates. Cutest thing ever: He says,"Thank You" for everything you give him. I mean everything. If I am giving him a goldfish, for each and every single one I hand him he says Thank You. Very demanding for attention and loves Daddy. Seriously, way way more than me. He will cry for him and will chose him over him every single time. Goes around the house saying Da da. And if Dad does not answer will start saying, "Dad-dy". He his at a fun age, but is the instigator and will be the one to start messing with brother, grab whatever big brother is playing with and runs away. I love holding him and rocking him to sleep, WHICH is the only way he will go down, unless he is in the car. I am so in love with him, and his huge smile. WE get stopped often to be told he/she is cute. His hair went from straight to curly once he turned 1!


This boy can talk, though I dont always understand what he is saying. Loves Angry Birds, Star Wars, Home Alone, Jake: Neverland Pirates, and Pirate stuff! He is still as loving, and cuddly as ever. Still trying and succeeding in sleeping in our bed most nights. He loves school and is very social. Likes his friends and being a super hero. Right now loves Superman and having capes. We did get him tested for his speech, and will have to have some help, but on the rest of his evaluation he excelled. He is my picky eater, and would rather play than eat. But loves anything in  a tortilla usually and pancakes. He is excited to start basketball later this month, and wants to play soccer (his dad is excited)! He loves his baby brother and hugs, and kisses, as well as fights with him. But is so loving, and prays now. Usually he want to be the one praying at dinner time. He is sad that he will not go to Nursery anymore, but enjoyed Primary last week. He is growing so fast! It is so bittersweet.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I love these shots of the boys in traditional German clothing. So cute!