Monday, January 28, 2013

All things AC

AC, What an adventure these past four months have been!
I cannot even begin to describe what it has been like transitioning from one kid to two!
The most difficult thing was that I had some serious post partum depression. Ugh It totally sucked. And though I am feeling almost back to myself, I still have the occasional down day, but I bet that has to do with being a mum of 2. Ha, and not from the post partum depression. One of the biggest blessings was having the bestest of friends here who helped SO SO Much! But that would of never happened had I not finally opened up to them to tell them how I was really feeling. Once I did, I had friends to talk to, who checked up on me, who took Logan or Aaron for a while. 100x worse than with Logan, I think I only had the baby blues with him. Though it has been rough, having him here is such a joy. Those smiles melt my heart everytime. Cuddling him and the baby smell is intoxicating. Logan gets so much fun out of kissing, holding, licking, helping with bruther or bebe. We are blessed.
He know what he wants and will cry UNTIL he gets it.
He fights eating most of the time. This sadly lead to only breastfeeding the little guy for 6 weeks.
Has gone through 3 different brand of formula.
Still fights being bottle fed, ugh.
LOVES baby food!
Loves his brother. Looks for him always..
Rolls over, and can almost sit.
Hates tummy time. Will cry until he either rolls over, or is turned over.
Loves the swing.
Wants to watch whatever is on TV if its on.
He is a talker, and is LOUD.
Does not like the car seat.
Loves sucking on his thumb or hand.
Has the biggest smile, and double dimples. (think AC Slater from Saved by the Bell)
Loves momma, and prefers to be fed by her.
Deep brown eyes and long lashes.
Hair is falling out just like Logan's.
Wants to be in the same room as everyone else.
Pretty good sleeper.
At 4 mths:
He is under 10 % for weight.
He is at 30 % for height.
These pictures were taken at about 1 month old.

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