Monday, October 15, 2012

July 2012

July consisted of many things, some fun, some not so fun. I was not looking forward to this month, but at the same time I was. We said goodbye to some good friends who moved back to America. We watched the 4th of July fireworks on base. We enjoyed some more BBQs with friends. And I had a couple of stays in the hospital. Early in the month of July I headed in to the hospital at around 28/29 weeks. I started to get contractions, and knew at once what was happening. Having had them with Logan I knew how important it was to get to the hosptial. I was treated very quickly and they were able to stop. It was a couple of HOT and Very BORING days in the German hospital. We home and was told to take it easy. It was a slow July after that. I watched many movies, and read books.

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