Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Baby "AC" Bowerbank

A Family of Four

Yes its about time I post about little AC!

It all started on Sept 13. By the time Mike got home from work I was having regular contraction but nothing that was too painful. I was more worried about the swelling on my feet, and how much water weight I had all over. They were worried that I had too much amniotic fluid, and that AC was measuring too big. So at around 700 pm we call a dear friend to watch Logan and off to the hospital we went, with no plan on having AC, but we packed bags just in case I had to stay another couple of days in the hospital. We get there and after a check up they tell me I am at 0, and should go home. They doctor just wanted to run a couple of tests because of my water retention, I would know in two hours. They told me to walk around and hopefully things would get started. So Mike and I left the hospital and went to the store. We laughed at how this was a waste of time, and how we had left the hospital and they didn't even know. Once back, they told me I did not have preclampsia and checked me once more. This time she pushed down on my belly, and she was shocked. I was 5cm along, and they were going to get me ready and into a room. It seemed that with all the fluid in my belly, the baby's head would engage for a while, but when checked it would just push him up and away and it seemed as if I was not that along. So by 11 pm I was in my birthing room. Amazingly there were 3 other American's in labor too. Later I come to find out that the lady in the neighboring room, was a friend Michelle, with whom I had shared my baby shower with. Only I was due a month after her.

I still did not feel like I needed any pain medication, but they strongly suggested I get an epidural due to the baby size and amount of fluid I had. I opted for a walking epidural, the thought of being stuck in a bed while I labored did not sound good to me. It was nice that both my midwife and doctor spoke great English and we could communicate without hesitation. I still had a birth plan which was both in English and German just in case. Though I handed it a bit too late for them, as I had written not to offer me any medication and would do it on my own. OH well. I was up and around for a while, then took a little nap. Around 3 they came in and checked me I was at 7cm, and no pain. I was liking this epidural thing. She wanted to give me Oxytocin, to get things going. I did not want that, and asked if they would just break my water and would see how that would go first. Me oh my, everyone was shocked by the amount of fluid there was. She said there was more than 3 liters! That explained why I felt so heavy too. It was not what she wanted to do, and I could tell, but they did as I asked. She said it would be a couple of more hours before we would probably get to do any pushing, maybe around 7 am, so I should take a nap. About 30 minutes later I started to feel pressure, I called her in. She was shocked to see it was go time! By the time I started to push it as 420 am. I did not enjoy this, but who does right. Well the midwife never topped off my epidural so I felt everything. I was too the point that I could not tell what was pressure, and what was a contraction. I just wanted to push and get him out. She slipped a little Oxytocin at the end, and man did I feel that quickly. Two more pushes and Baby Aaron Cole was born. He was so huge. Those cheeks just took over his face. He was 8 lbs 11 oz, oh and just over a little 3 weeks early. They could not believe how big, how much hair,and that he was early. We are happy to have him here. Oh and it took us once again 4 days to name him.

 I know AC looks a little gay here, but that is the clothes from the hospital. Not something I chose.
 Hello cheeks! We love him.

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