Sunday, February 19, 2012

Reverently Lost

I love Sundays. I love the time I get to spend with my family. I love going to church, and seeing friendly faces. I love the feeling of peace, and time to ponder about things that are worth pondering. I love the music and church hymns. I love my church ward, and that it is English speaking. I love coming home and cooking dinner (most of the time), and I love hanging out with friends for Sunday dinner. I love to Skype family members on Sunday. I just love that almost every store is closed on Sundays, here in Germany, and people take the day off to be with family and friends.

Today is Sunday, and I lost my mind. Right after Sacrament, as we were getting ready to go into Sunday school LOGAN GOT LOST! We turned our back for a minute and he was gone. Both Mike and I search each and every class in the church, and found nothing. We looked was seemed for long and endless minutes. Countless amount of people started to help, and look outside. I just shut down and started to cry. This has been the first time this have ever happened, and from the comments of other parents, probably not the last. We all looked and looked and nothing. Mike took off in the car to search nearby streets in case he had escaped from the building. Nothing.

A wonderful, young woman  walked into the gym, where I was crying, holding him. Logan looks at me, seeing tears in my eyes, his smile disappears. I reach for Logan, and he hugs me patting my back, as if to let me know that everything was okay.

So where was he found?

He was reverently sitting in primary with the 7-8 yr old class. When asked if there was someone new, he raised his hand.  We had looked in there more than several time, several different people, and never saw him. Had I been sitting with the class I teach my 9-10 yr old, and not looking for him, I would of seen him.

It is such a horrid feeling and hope that this does not happen again. So grateful for all the help of people who didn't know me, and search and searched.  Now family time, with my hubby, and son.


Jill said...

Scary! Glad you found him and now it's a cute story. I love that he raised his hand as a visitor.

Kris said...

Oh gosh how terrifying. I would be out of my mind if this ever happened to me too. So glad he was safe.

Is Logan seriously eating the biggest pretzel ever? Haha! I love that photo! Only in Germany!