Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Year Day!

Update on the rest of this month.

 The first session of Logan's Parent and Me class is over, but we are enrolling him for the Spring session since he loves it so much. They taught how to play Duck Duck goose in the class, now Logan goes up to his daddy and hits him, saying Duck Duck Duck. It is entertaining to see how much he loves his daddy to play with him. Definitely prefers him over me. But that is okay for right now.
 We (Logan) got a really late Christmas present in the mail, from grandma Bowerbank. Logan was in heaven, having his own seat, and Very Important, soccer ball on it. He will push off his friends from his chair, if they sit on it. Teaching him how to share.
 This was the extent of my Valentine Holiday Decor. But I really liked it, and Logan had fun helping me make a homemade gift for Daddy.
 So much fun. The picture above is of Rose Monday, Fashingsdienstag. They have a parade, and people dress up in costumes, some scary, others not, and they toss candy into the crowds. It was cold that day, but we went out there and had some fun. It's a holiday here, and I look forward to going next year.
 We took a short trip to Trier Germany. It had some very old Roman ruins, all over the city. We explored for a while. And stayed close by, to make our trip into Belgium much shorter.
 This picture above is of the roman coliseum. It was very grand, and we enjoyed the walk.
 We then drove to the country of Luxembourg, where we visited an America cemetery. I got a bit emotional seeing all the crosses. After a walk around the memorial, and seeing Gen. Patton's grave, we drove to see a castle.
 It was a steep walk especially with a tot in tow in a stroller. It was nice, but both of us thought the cost was not worth it. We still enjoyed ourselves, and enjoyed the scenery. My favorite part was getting to the castle. Our GPS took us the scenic route. We hit so many small towns. Let me just say, Luxembourg was extremely clean. Very nice country.
 The following day we drove to Tongeren, Belgium. They had a wonderful antiques market. It was huge! Indoors, outdoors, along the streets, it was everywhere. We were unprepared at the vast amount of stuff there was. We will need to make a trip back, especially since I did not have Belgium Waffles. But we did manage to find some Belgium Chocolate. The smell of chocolate was so strong outside, it made my mouth water. Once we walked into the shop, I was so overwhelmed by the scent. They make their chocolates in their shop. Oh yeah, you know I had fun in there.
The drive home was not bad. I drove most of the way back, after we got back in Germany. I will say that I love driving on the Autobahn. I don't miss DC traffic, not one bit.

The weather here is warming up, tomorrow,s forecast to be in the low 60's. It will definitely feel warm. In other things, I am counting down to just about everything it seems.

  • Hubby's Birthday- 13 Days
  • Girls Weekend in Ireland- 15 Days to go.
  • 5 Year anniversary- 24 days
  • Logan's 2nd Birthday- 6 weeks and counting
  • The McCarthy's visit- 7 weeks + a couple of days
  • Trip to England- 2 months and counting
  • Mom and Pop Bowerbank visit - 2 months and counting
We have a busy couple of months ahead of us. I love spring, and can't help but feel excited to have family close by!  Something I am not looking forward to this year, my birthday.


Kris said...

Thanks for the update friend. I just die of envy every time I see your photos of Germany. (and I know, England is pretty too, of course, but I have such a soft spot for Germany). Did I just read that you are coming to England in two months? Details friend!!! Can't wait for that! xo

Kris said...

Oh, and thanks for sharing your photo of Logan with the ever so pretty daffodils over on my blog!!

Mrs. McCarthy said...

Love ALL the photos! Can't wait to see you guys!