Friday, January 13, 2012


With the start of the new year, I started to work out. Usually I only think about it, but these last two weeks I have actually gotten into a nice routine. My goal this week and last was to work out. I feel happy that I have accomplished me goal. I worked out a total of 5 times this week, in four days. And last week I worked out 4 times as well. It has been keeping me and Logan busy. There are a couple of classes I have tried and liked, and some I will not go back to again. One I will not go back to will be the Zumba class, which is so sad. I really love Zumba, but the class was not what I thought it would be. Everything seemed very slow, and though, yes I did feel like I worked out, I did not end up leaving the class tired. The nice thing was that I did not have to pay for the class since it was my first time doing it.

Last week Logan started tumbling class which he loves. They do the same stuff each week, but he really is enjoying himself. Other than that things has slowed down a bit, and we don't mind it one bit. Looking forward to a long weekend, nice that the hubby has Monday off. Lets see what we can get ourselves into.

The weather lately has been nice. We have had some sunny days, and it is warmer than usual. Everyone is saying it is a mild winter.  I am just glad we are still getting ourselves out of the house.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

I loved reading this... especially since I had JUST gotten home from a Zumba class, that I will not be going back to anytime soon... but because it was TOO fast, and the teacher looked like a dancing leprechaun, and there was just no way to keep up!

It sounds like you're having a great start to the new year. Keep it up!