Friday, November 4, 2011

Where did October Go?

October just flew by. We stayed busy and did much traveling. Loggie and I took a flight from Houston to San Francisco, only to jump on to another flight 2 days later bound for Seattle. It was nice having my in laws help out with Loggie on that flight. We stayed with my sudo brother 15 minutes away from downtown Seattle. It was a nice area, with views to the lake. Logan loved hanging out with uncle clay.

 Loggie with his Grandpa hanging out at the hotel. Just being spoiled and enjoying all the attention.
 My hubby arrived a day later! I was excited to see him, it had been 10 since I had left home. It was nice to have him around and well Loggie just missed his daddy! We walked around Pikes Place! So much fun.
 The main reason for our trip to Seattle was for  my sister in law wedding. It was a perfect day, with no rain. Loggie had fun being pulled in a wagon as part of the wedding.
 This is Loggie and his cousin right before they made their appearance. Such cuties!
 Just loved Amanda's dress. The wedding was nice!
 My family! WE had fun.
 Loggie had so much fun, and danced the night away. Though that was nothing compared to the moves his little cousin had. She was the dancing queen. Just so cute to see them interact.
 Loggie had all the bridesmaid loving on him. He was such a big flirt.
We hung out with family. My hubby and his brother. After a week in Seattle we flew back to Cali, this time with hubby in tow.

 We did some sight seeing after we came back to Cali. With the hubby here we headed to Sacramento. I had never been so it was a nice trip. While there we went to the Railroad museum. Loggie had so much fun as he is into trains right now. He just kept saying Choo Choo.

 With the hubby back in Germany, Loggie and I spent some quality time with his grandma. We went to a pumpkin patch, where Lo got to feed animals, pet goats, run around, and just have fun.
 This is my favorite fall pic of Lo this year. What do you think? Isn't he handsome.
 So after spending the day at the pumpkin patch we headed home and got ready for our big race. It was fun and exciting. My mother in law is into doing 5k's and she signed us up to do a fun run with her. I thought it would be fun just to jog a bit and enjoy the evening but once they honked the horn the inner runner in me took off too. Now let me be very honest, I have not run in over 5 yrs, run. I ran the whole thing, only because I kept seeing my mother in law in front of me. Yes, she did beat me, but I only came in some seconds behind her. I thought I was going to DIE! My favorite quote of that night, "Come on MOM (fans cheering at me) your son is beating you!" Loggie was in a non jogging stroller, pushed by me.
 There was a Trunk or Treat at our church, along with a Chili Cookoff that I help coordinate. So that kept me pretty busy as well.
 There was a costume parade in my mother in laws town, at it was a bit hot for Loggie to be a monkey, so I dressed him up as a tourist. Too bad I forgot to give him his camera for the picture.
Then on Halloween we went to a shopping area for trick o treating. Loggie finally got the hang of it. So that was neat. He didn't want to be handed a candy, the boy wanted to choose. Later that evening we walked around the neighborhood with his grandma. He kept trying to go into peoples home. But on a positive note, he did not get scared, even when we went up to the scary homes. 

1 comment:

Jill said...

Looks like a fun month! I'm impressed that you ran a 5k and Logan is looking so old!